Click here for a complete list of operations.
Retorna un XML del historico de un placa en un rango de fechas GPS no mayor a 30 días.
sLogin: Login autorizado en el sistema.
sPassword: Password del login proporcionado.
sPlate: Placa del móvil que se desea consultar.
dStartDate: Fecha inicial de historico GPS (yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss).
dEndDate: Fecha final del historico GPS(yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss).
To test the operation using the HTTP POST protocol, click the 'Invoke' button.SOAP 1.1
The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /wsHistoryGetByPlate.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <HistoryDataByPlate xmlns=""> <sLogin>string</sLogin> <sPassword>string</sPassword> <sPlate>string</sPlate> <sStartDate>string</sStartDate> <sEndDate>string</sEndDate> </HistoryDataByPlate> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <HistoryDataByPlateResponse xmlns=""> <HistoryDataByPlateResult>xml</HistoryDataByPlateResult> </HistoryDataByPlateResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP 1.2
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /wsHistoryGetByPlate.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""> <soap12:Body> <HistoryDataByPlate xmlns=""> <sLogin>string</sLogin> <sPassword>string</sPassword> <sPlate>string</sPlate> <sStartDate>string</sStartDate> <sEndDate>string</sEndDate> </HistoryDataByPlate> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""> <soap12:Body> <HistoryDataByPlateResponse xmlns=""> <HistoryDataByPlateResult>xml</HistoryDataByPlateResult> </HistoryDataByPlateResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
GET /wsHistoryGetByPlate.asmx/HistoryDataByPlate?sLogin=string&sPassword=string&sPlate=string&sStartDate=string&sEndDate=string HTTP/1.1 Host:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0"?> xml
The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /wsHistoryGetByPlate.asmx/HistoryDataByPlate HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: length sLogin=string&sPassword=string&sPlate=string&sStartDate=string&sEndDate=string
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0"?> xml